The Cigar King Aged Reserve has been one of our top sellers since it’s introduction in 1997. The equation of value, quality, and incredibly mild, yet smooth flavor has made this particular blend famous in our retail stores. Cigar King Aged Reserve cigars are hand-made at Macanudo Cigar Factory, which is owned by General Cigar Co. Our blending team took a meticulous 5 years and many trips overseas to the factory before we finally deemed the Cigar King Aged Reserve ready to be smoked and sold on the market.

Little did we know, our patience and dedication would pay off greatly - Today, we're proud to say we've sold over one million Aged Reserve Cigars! Each individual cigar is meticulously constructed 100% by hand, and is tissue wrapped leaving the band and the top inch of the cigar exposed. This method protects the foot of the cigar while still allowing you to view it's gorgeous wrapper.

This product is guaranteed by the Cigar King Family. Love it, or your money back!

Aged Reserve

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